Feudal Japan

Below I have added a webquest for Feudal Japan.  This is a sixth grade Social Studies standard.

Feudal Japan

Japan Webquest
You are the editor of a travel magazine preparing an article on the history of Japan for tourists.  It is your job to entice your readers to visit Japan on their next holiday.  Your subscribers have the option to travel anywhere in the world, they don’t have to choose Japan.  So, why should they travel to Japan?
You will write a travel article persuading tourists to visit Japan.  Your article must include the following items.
  • Introduction with a hook beginning
  • History of Japan’s social structure, include intriguing facts.
  • Interesting geographic features tourist may enjoy viewing.
  • Main religions, include temples or shrines tourist may visit.
  • Don’t forget an interesting conclusion.


*For steps 1-3 you will complete your notes in a google template titled Japan Outline.  Include pertinent information relevant to tourists.

*For steps 4-? you will complete your article in a google template.

Step 1:  Geography of Japan
You need to become familiar with major cities, natural features, and major tourist attractions.
japan 1
Step 2:   History of Japan
You must understand the importance of early government, social structure, and cultural influences on present day Japan.  Using the following websites fill out your Japan Outline notes in Google Docs.
japan 2
The Samurai and the Tea Master 
Samurai:  A Japanese warrior whose duty was to serve and protect his lord or give up his life doing so.
Bushido code:  A code of ethics followed by samurai, which required bravery, self-control, and loyalty to their lord.
Daimyo:  a clan leader who held the real political power and Japan.  Controlled the people and the land through the use of military force (samurais).
Clan:  A large family group.
Scroll:  A painting or text on silk or paper that is either displayed on the wall or held by the reader and is rolled up when not in use.
Code:  A set of standards that are enforced.
japan 4
Step 3:  Religion of Japan
You will learn about the two major religions in Japan.  Many tourists enjoy visiting religious sites, whether or not it’s their religious belief.  This will be a great addition to your article.
Buddhism is a religion of many Southeast Asian countries.  It varies slightly from country to country based on cultural influences.
Shintoism is based on Nature.  What could have been things worshipped by the the Japanese.  Each part of nature contains a spirit known asKami.
japan 5
Step 4:  Arrival of Europeans
The arrival of Europeans dramatically changed the Japanese Lifestyle.  What do you see in the following timeline?  What conclusions can you draw about the Westerner effect on Japan?  Record your answers on your outline.
japan 6 
Step 5:  Japanese Way of Life (Mr. Juchems)
Record any interesting facts and information on your outline.  Think about current culture, foods, religion, jobs.
Step 6:  Begin Persuasive Article
Using the attached outline input the most important reasons and details for a tourist to visit Japan.  It is important to visually know you have enough information for your readers.  Don’t forget your details.  If you think I should visit Mt. Fuji, but fail to tell me about it.  I’m not going to be too excited to visit.  You have to make it sound like an experience of a lifetime.
Once you have the outline for your reasons completed, begin working through an introduction and conclusion.

Inference (Context Clues)

Welcome to Inference.  We will study both fiction and nonfiction texts during this unit.  This is the largest unit of the year.  We will be finding the theme, main idea, drawing conclusions, making predictions, and using context clues.  Below you will find resources for this unit.
Context Clues
Context Clues II
What I’ve learned about context clues
Context Clues
Main Idea: